Summer eats 

“Let tuce Eat.”

Yes, Mongolia gets hot! Yesterday reached close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit . But I will take the heat any day, as long as it means fewer winter days and more luscious food. It’s hard to imagine Mongolia’s sparse steppe producing beautiful fruits and veggies, but the warm/humid Summer’s make for a great late summer harvest.

Darimaa’s loot after our ride out of the Taiga (Rhubarb)

The markets in Murun have had a vast variety of color the past two months; Making this foreigner’s mouth water and eyes getting too big for the bank account. I am lucky to live in a province that is known specifically for certain foods (wild rhubarb, onions and blueberries). Up in the northern part of Khuvsgol province, rhubarb grows wild. On our horse trekk our guides would reach down and pull up a handful of delicious pieces.

Fresh picked strawberries

In Tov province, where I worked at a summer camp, we went strawberry picking. Now, these strawberries were very very small, but they tasted better than any strawberry in an American grocery store; a strong punch of flavor.


My friend’s home grown pepper


My Family’s tomato crops

Even greenhouses have become a big contributor to many produce stands here in Murun. My family just built a greenhouse this spring and already has some great progress. Also our farming vocation at school has 3 large greenhouses.

It’s going to be a sad day when all of there colors slowly leave the markets and the vast landscape of the summer, and winter comes yet again. Leaving my regular produce intake back to potatoes, cabbage, onions and peppers. At least it will only be 1 more year of a limited vegetarian diet. Just need to keep telling myself – “you can do it! It’s not for life”

Until Next Time,